The Potter's Book _ LPOTIER
Book by Bernard Leach
Éditions Ateliers d'art de France
384 pages, black and white illustrations and drawings
15 x 23.5 cm
March 2003, first published in 1940
This manual is the first treatise written by a potter on the workshop traditions handed down by the Japanese and Koreans from the great Chinese ceramic period of the Song. This openness to the Far East, as yet unindustrialised, and Leach's clear and vigorous defence of the position of the artist-craftsman in contemporary Western society, has elevated this manual to the status of a potter's bible.
Originally intended for craftsmen and students, this work is of great value to any ceramics enthusiast and to those interested in cultural relations between East and West. In fact, its interest goes beyond the technical sphere, demonstrating an elevated spirit that is constantly concerned with ethics and aesthetics, guided by the universal requirements when ‘art is a summary of the experience of life’.