Engobes - and other clay ceramic claddings _ LENGOBES
Book by Wolf E. Matthes
Les Éditions Ateliers d'Art de France
208 pages
19 x 25 cm
May 2021
'Chromatopia' _ LCHROMATOPIA
An illustrated history of pigments
Book by David Coles, Marianne Bouvier
Editions Eyrolles
224 pages
22.6 x 17.2 cm
September 2019
'Pass your ceramic CAP' _ LCAP
With le-bol.fr
Practical and theoretical tests
Method and training over 10 months
Book by Amélie Touvet
Editions Eyrolles
350 pages
28 x 22.1 cm
October 2024
Practice of stoneware enamels _ LPRATIQUE
Minerals and plant ash
Book by Daniel de Montmollin & Patrick Buté
Les Éditions Ateliers d'Art de France
224 pages
16.5 x 23.5 cm
March 2020
The Potter's Book _ LPOTIER
Book by Bernard Leach
Éditions Ateliers d'art de France
384 pages, black and white illustrations and drawings
15 x 23.5 cm
March 2003, first published in 1940
The ceramic poem _ LPOEME
Introduction to pottery
Les Éditions Ateliers d'Art de France
Daniel de Montmollin
95 pages
14.5 x 22 cm
February 2024 (1st ed. 1965)
The ceramist's book _ LCERAMIST
Techniques and advice for the studio
Book by Duncan Hooson and Anthony Quinn
Les Éditions Ateliers d'Art de France
320 pages
21.5 x 25.4 cm
March 2019
The science of ceramics _ LSCIENCE
Materials / firing / technology
Book by Brune Somogyi
Pyramyd editions
200 pages
18 x 24 cm
Soft cover
Ceramics technical vocabulary _ LVOC
General Inventory of Cultural Heritage
'Principles of scientific analysis' collection
Book by Nicole Blondel
Éditions du Patrimoine
432 pages
21.5 x 30.1 cm
Publication date: 19/10/2023
'To bake' _ LVCUIRE
From clay to ceramics, Firing
What transformations? What firing systems?
Some kiln plans for the amateur
Alain Valtat
142 pages
'The illustrated guide to coloured concrete' _ LTERRESCOLO
Les cahiers de Terres et couleurs
Françoise Thouraud
32 pages
'the little illustrated guide to ochre painting' _ LTERRESC
for wood
Les cahiers de Terres et couleurs
Félicien Carli
40 pages