Smooth brown stoneware from Moutiers - GRM
Clay extracted from our quarry of Moutiers en Puisaye.
Beige fire refractory stoneware for culinary use grog 30% 0-1 - GM76
Clay intented to withstand thermal shocks including direct flame (if fired at 1250°C minimum).
Adaptable to all production techniques.
Colour white-beige in oxidation and grey in reduction.
Stoneware color siena 35% grog 0-0.2 - GM002
Grogged clay of very pleasant texture, firing Siena color in oxidation and dark brown in reduction.
Russet stoneware grog 30% 0-0,2 - GECH30002
White porcelainic stoneware Paris extra white smooth with kaolin - GBPARIS
Smooth white stoneware with very fine kaolin - GBLUK
Smooth white stoneware based on selected clays - GB8
White stoneware with white impalpable grog 25% 0-0,2 - GB10002
Ideal for throwing, calibration and modelling.
Very good development of enamels.
White Stoneware Colette smooth with kaolin - COLETT
Red stoneware Brasil grog 40% 0-0,2 mm - BRASIL002
Black stoneware African Stone 40% grog 0-0.2 mm - AFRICANSTONE
Very plastic clay, firing of a beautiful black in oxidation and black metallic in reduction.